Advice on how to get back together with your ex-partner

Advice on how to get back together with your ex-partner

Because loads of people make a mistake when they break up – and then they find they don’t know how much they love somebody, and they want to get back together with them pretty quickly when the realization of the magnitude of the mistake they’ve made comes upon them.

Well, fair enough, but the question becomes, how do you persuade somebody with whom you broke up unnecessarily that you are the ideal couple and should be staying together for life?

Not an easy proposition, you might say, and you would be right. So let’s see if we can find some steps which might help you get back together with your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend.

If the reason you broke up was because you were having mediocre sex – and, guys I’m thinking of you here – then you need to do something about it. Premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, erectile dysfunction – each and every one of them can be very disruptive to a relationship, can turn a woman right off you, and make her go elsewhere simply because she can get better sex with another man.

Are you performing adequately in bed?

Consider the statistics about the length of intercourse: men usually come after four minutes of intercourse, and women, well, what do they want?

Women say that the “ideal” length of intercourse is between 10 and 13 minutes.

Just wonder for a moment whether or not your view of your sexual performance is matched in any way shape or form by your partner’s view of it.

Sorry – your ex partner’s possible view of your sexual performance. And then consider whether or not there is urgent remedial action to be taken on your part to become a better lover.

Naturally, getting greater stamina in bed, or powering up your endurance, isn’t the only thing you need to do to improve your masculinity.

You need to become a sensitive caring man who can relate to women in a way that they like, if not love and understand.

Women’s ability to connect is all about feelings, whereas men tend to be much more about action – a vague generality, but worth mentioning as a reminder to you that you have work to do in other fields than the purely physical.

So you want to get back together with your ex, and as you probably have seen on the Internet, lots of people suggest that you start by texting an exIn fact I’d suggest that you start by beginning to think hard about why you want to get back with somebody.

It’s very natural, if you broke up, to think that you might miss the company and sense of security or happiness that the relationship gave you – but the undeniable truth is that you broke up for very good reason, and perhaps that’s what you need to look right now.

Because in the clues to your breakup lies a clue to whether or not you will be able to change your behavior in way that makes it acceptable to your ex-partner.

And here’s something really important – the fact that you don’t want to change who you are if the way in which you would have to change to be acceptable to your ex-partner is truly different to the man or woman you currently are. You see what I’m getting at?

The question is, what price you going to pay in terms of giving up your identity for the sake of getting back together with your ex partner?

And while it’s all very well talking about how you can improve your sexual performance, as we all know, relationships based on a lot more than sex.

Or at least, your relationship should be based on more than sex if you are to stand any chance of getting back together. What you need to remember is that if the reason you want to get back together with your ex-partner is because you’re frightened of being alone, or it’s simply a reaction to separation, then you have no real basis for getting back together.

Obviously the same is true of you getting back together simply to save face in front of friends or family.

And you also need to think really carefully about what went on at the end of the relationship. You have to change something before you get back together – and I’ve already mentioned in this context your sexual performance; even so, it’s much more likely to be about emotional reasons – frankly, if you’re a man you may well be showing emotional inadequacy for your ex-partner’s needs.

There’s another issue too – which is whether or not you spend your life meeting somebody else’s needs or you find a new partner who has a degree of self-reliance and fulfilment. Setting a boundary may well be necessary.

Not An Easy Decision

Apart from any of that, the fact that you are showing a willingness to change means your partner  may see you as a person who is genuinely making an effort to re-establish connection; and if you admit the things you did wrong, assuming that you know, your care and investment in the relationship might be just enough to get back together.

And the truth is that the more you pursue her, the more desperate you will seem, and for women nothing is more of a turnoff than the needy man who can’t live without them.

Therefore, if you’re trying to get back together with your ex-partner by texting an ex on a regular basis, you’re making a big mistake. You’re trying to get yourself back into her (or his) life far too soon, in too forceful a way.

If it’s possible, wait for her to come to you. If you try to move things too fast, she’s likely to pull away again.

So the good advice here is focus on yourself for a while, focus on your friends, and absorb yourself in what pleasures and delights you. You never know, you might surprisingly find that you’re not missing so much after all.


Are you performing in bed?

Great sex is definitely a glue in any relationship between a man and a woman

Do the right thing, by the way! That means don’t interrupt her if she’s forming another relationship. Keep your distance and wait your time and if you really care for her, be mature enough to put aside your jealousy and resentment, your sadness and anger. Perhaps easier said than done, but it’s the mark of an emotionally mature man.

When you do get a relationship back, or when you start the process, let’s say at a first meeting, you need to take things slowly. You need to reach out in a low-pressure way because her level of trust will not be high.

Definitely don’t start off by putting emotional pressure on with words like “we need to get back together”.

The best way to approach this whole thing is to be like a friend who cares about her. On the basis of your friendship you might be able to rebuild a relationship, so make your first meeting somewhere low-pressure, somewhere NOT emotionally charged the two of you, and somewhere that doesn’t raise all kinds of emotive issues.

Clever things like going to the restaurant where you first met are a seriously bad idea. She is likely to become less trusting of you if you pull a stunt like that.

You see what’s going on here: you have to keep things casual, you have to keep the pressure low, and you aim to simply re-establish a connection and some degree of intimacy on the basis of friendship with no other expectations – particularly sexual ones.

You could introduce the subject of your breakup by saying something like “I’ve been thinking about the breakup, and I’ve realized how much of a part I had to play in it. I’d like to talk to you about it. Is that OK?”

Finally if you do start the relationship up again, you really are going to have to take responsibility for everything bad that was your fault, and to be truthful your ex is going to have to take responsibility for whatever was his or her fault.

Take your responsibility as best you may, open up to the faults that you manifested in the relationship, and change for the future. You have to do things differently in the future, or what broke you apart in the first place will simply break you apart again.


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Make a man fall in love with you?

Of course it’s a complete misnomer – “how to make a man fall in love with you”! The reality is, as you already know, that you can’t actually make anybody fall in love with you. After all, how could you get control of somebody’s mind and change their viewpoint of something as subtle and complicated as love?

How can you tell if a man is in love with you or just likes you?

But of course there are hundreds if not thousands of websites out on the Internet all designed to offer information on how to make a man love you or how to make a man fall in love with you.

So why is it that I say you can’t make anybody fall in love with you?

Surely, the presence of so many Internet sites is a strong indication that actually there must be something to the techniques which these websites claim will give you instant adoration and love?

I don’t know, because I haven’t read any of them, but what I do know is that you can’t expect to be able to influence somebody’s feelings in an area as tender and precious to the human psyche as love.

This is a state of love – we’d all recognize that. So what is liking?

Of course what you can do is to influence how someone feels about you by behaving in different ways.

So, if you were to engage in behavior which helped somebody to see that you were very nice and friendly, they might well begin to like you.

In fact, there are plenty of things you can do which really will make somebody like you. And as you may well already know, liking is a very sound basis for growing your relationship into love naturally!

So you might think that this is simply playing with words. You may think that when people talk about techniques to make a man love you, and I say that there aren’t any such techniques, but there are plenty of techniques which can make a man like you, I am splitting hairs.

woman and man making love

women require sexual pleasure – and why wouldn’t they?

Liking or loving – you decide!

But I do believe that’s true – liking and loving really are two separate emotions.

To like somebody means to feel appreciation or affection or sense of warmth towards them. To love somebody means to have a relationship with them whereby they are really precious to you, and what happens to them really matters to you.

You might be wondering whether or not loving someone is just a more intense version of liking, whether it’s simply liking “magnified”? When you look at definitions of liking and loving, you can see that the difference clearly centres on certain qualities.

Zick Rubin, one of the first social psychologists who studied love seriously, developed what he called liking and loving scales.

So in Rubin’s point of view, we appreciate people when we like them: we like their company, we like their point of view, we like to spend time with them.

Rubin distinguished this level of liking from love by suggesting that love is a much deeper emotion.

A couple in love – romantic love is expressed physically through sex.

Now what does this mean? One thing that it means is the connection includes a desire for physical contact and intimacy, and perhaps also caring about another person’s needs as though they were your own.

Rubin talked about levels of romantic love – I think he mentioned five levels of romantic love, from affection through to infatuation and passion.

Of course it’s inevitable that in a field so intensely related to human interaction, many social psychologists have tried to define love and liking, but unfortunately they’ve done it in different ways.

For example, social psychologist Elaine Hatfield made a distinction between only two types of love which she called companionate love and passionate love.

Companionate love, she said, was based more on mutual respect, caring and affection whereas passionate love was something more intense and sexually based.

Needless to say, as you might’ve observed in your own relationships, passionate love can turn into companionate love as time goes by.

It could be that as it can Rubin’s definition of love is more helpful than it might appear at first sight, because he spoke of romantic love quite specifically.But these are really grey areas, with unspecific definitions and to be honest, somewhat unhelpful if you’re trying to decide whether you love or like somebody. Even more unhelpful if you are trying to make a man love you! Click here for more information on this.

He said that it was based on three elements:

  • Attachment, which is the need to be cared for and to be with the other person.
  • Caring, which is about valuing the other person’s happiness as much as your own.
  • And finally, intimacy, which is about sharing your most intimate and private thoughts with the other person.

He also investigated how it might be possible to identify how much somebody was feeling romantic love.

Certain behaviors seem to be key here. For example, one of the things that he found was that if people are deeply in love they spend a lot more time gazing into each other’s eyes.

When people are not so deeply in love, or only a little bit in love –  well, they do not spend so much time looking into each other’s eyes. (And indeed this is one way in which you may be able to induce a feeling of greater liking in a man who you wish to have love you: look deeply into his eyes, a lot! Find out more about this here.)

Tasteful picture of man and woman making love.

Men come far too quickly for most women to get sexual pleasure.


Romantic love will always turn sexual if allowed the opportunity for expression.

While there are behavioral characteristics like this which can help us identify liking and loving, the real problem is that love is an ephemeral concept, both emotionally and intellectually.

It’s therefore difficult to define, and even more difficult to measure.

Yet the interesting thing is that we all know when we are in love with somebody! So perhaps, at the end of the day, it’s better to leave love as a felt experience rather than see it as something to be scientifically deconstructed.


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Controlling Ejaculation

The One That Works!

superchargingejaculatorycontrol225Ejaculation By Command By Lloyd Lester. 

Why’s it so good? Apart from the fact that it works? Well, first things first.

All of the techniques in this program are the ones that sex therapists use to cure premature ejaculation in their clients.

So Ejaculation By Command is based on really solid principles, with techniques and treatment methods used by professionals. (More about this later.)

And it’s written in a practical and down-to-earth style, by a man I know personally, who has made it his mission to help men with their ejaculatory problems.

Before I describe what’s in it, have a look at this video. Written and produced by a woman, it’s an amusing summary of aspects of premature ejaculation. But you need more. Read on when you’ve seen the video. Don’t be diverted!

So let’s look at what’s in Ejaculation by Command, and why it works so well.

There are two great things about this program:

First, it offers 15 “Emergency Tactics” to help you last longer in bed tonight. There is also a comprehensive eBook on techniques to control ejaculation quickly and permanently. This leads to greater pleasure for women and satisfaction for men during sex for both partners.

What I want to talk about here is the basic eBook which shows you everything you ever wanted to know about ejaculation control.

It’s a pretty chunky eBook too, running into 135 pages. Fortunately you get a quick start guide which makes it all very easy. What’s great is that Ejaculation By Command isn’t just about giving you the ability to last longer in bed — it’s also about ways in which you can give your partner complete satisfaction (which means, of course, giving her an orgasm when you’re in bed with her).

So how is all this done?

 superchargingejaculatorycontrol225Click here now if you want to find out right now, or read on for more information.

The author, Lloyd Lester, takes several techniques, and blends them into a single approach to curing premature ejaculation.

His solution shows you how to use the muscles in your pelvic area, including your PC muscle, your pubococcygeus muscle, to slow down your arousal.

He describes how to use breathing techniques to massively slow down your ejaculation by spreading your sexual energy around your whole body. (So you may well experience a whole body orgasm!)

More importantly he shows you five techniques that will change your mental attitude to sex, so you’re completely confident about your ability to control ejaculation.

Which means you’ll have a true sense of your own masculinity and male power in bed.

Because, when you think about it, men with premature ejaculation usually don’t believe they have the power to control their ejaculation. They don’t believe they’re good lovers. They don’t believe they’re sexually impressive to women.

So it’s important to have a true sense of your own power here. The real truth is, everything you have to make you a great lover is within you now. Simply by changing your mental attitude and your beliefs about yourself, you can embody a very different reality, both in and out of bed.


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How To Delay Ejaculation – Made Simple

If you’re a guy who isn’t satisfied with the way things are in bed right now, and you’re looking for something to make sex juicier, more passionate, and above all longer lasting, then sex therapist Lloyd Lester’s program Ejaculation by Command is your dream come true. I’m going to tell you why and how it works.

After more than a decade working with men to help them overcome their sexual difficulties,  I know that the most common, troublesome, and even devastating problem that men experience during sex is coming too soon, with no control, and feeling they just can’t change things.

As you know, you want to enjoy sex, you want to give your partner a good time in bed – and all you do is ejaculate uncontrollably after a few minutes of sexual intercourse. It’s so embarrassing! And for men who have a thing about pleasing women, it can feel extremely shameful to shoot so soon…..

Cure premature ejaculation!

Well, first of all, stop thinking about it as “premature ejaculation”. That corny phrase helps no-one…. and what’s more, it labels the man as an inadequate or substandard sexual partner. Who the heck wants that kind of notion tied to their sexual reputation? Consider it this way instead: if the maximum amount of time you can last before you – ahem – “release” (as the happy-ending-massage-therapists describe it) then it’s probably going to make sex better, and enhance your relationship, if you take the time and trouble to learn a few simple techniques that let you enjoy intercourse for longer before you finally surrender to the pleasure of your orgasm.

What’s that about enhancing your relationship, I hear you ask? Well now, did you ever stop to find out how your partner actually feels about you coming so quickly? And even if you did, do you believe her… when she tells you “Darling, it doesn’t matter”? No, really?

The fact is, it matters a lot, and for many women, being able to make love for as long as it takes to “pleasure” her (or satisfy her) is a sign of your love. By the way, “satisfying a woman” is a euphemism for bringing her to orgasm during intercourse – something that can only happen when you have enough staying power and she’s really turned on, and which all women adore, if they enjoy sex at all).

And what’s even more to your credit is the fact that you’re taking the trouble to learn how to delay your ejaculation and overcome this damned problem. In her mind, it shows you care about her…. which of course you do. Don’t you?

So – here’s the thing. This short post provides some powerful, simple and yet extremely effective tips, all of which have the power to help you last longer in bed.

Sidebar: Video From Laci Green

But before we go there, let me ask you: how does ejaculating prematurely make you feel? Good? A successful lover? Manly? Uh…. no. And as for her?

Well, I’m sure you know that most women enjoy sexual intercourse in large part because they feel emotionally connected to their partner. So if sex lasts for 2 minutes, she doesn’t have much time to feel connected to you, now does she?

So, sadly, the typical session of sexual intercourse lasts considerably less than 3 minutes, and that just isn’t long enough. Increasing this time, and lasting longer during intercourse, will always improve your self-esteem, your sense of pride in being a man, and the quality of your intimate relationship.

And the juicy part of all this is that when a man – that’s you, my friend – makes the effort to improve his “staying power”, his ability to control when he ejaculates, his partner will always feel a lot more desirable (and cherished, the thing women want more than anything) – and then she’ll be a lot more interested in sex. So how’s this going to happen?

First, be serious about your intention. Stopping PE can be – no pun intended – hard if you get carried away when you’re in bed, naked, and feeling some skin on skin, with the excitement mounting…… yes, sadly, all of the good intentions you had about learning how to delay ejaculation can easily be forgotten.

But then of course, you come down to earth with a bump, as you offload uncontrollably, and your self-esteem takes another knock. So decide once and for all that you are absolutely, 100%, right now, going to STOP premature ejaculation.

Second, learn how to relax when you make love. Of course, having sex is juicy, wet, and warm – or at least it ought to be – and you generate a lot of heat and tension, both emotional and muscular, on the way to orgasm.

But as a man, muscular tension and that other sign of high arousal – short, shallow breaths – actually make you pop more quickly than anyone really wants. So choose your positions wisely – no supporting yourself on your trembling arms during man on top sex – and relax, relax, relax.

Fortunately, you can do that by breathing slowly and deeply, even when things are starting to run away with you: click here to get the facts that can change your sex life for ever.

Yes, you really can stay relaxed and breath deeply and slowly… or at least you can choose to do that…  even when you’re turned on, with your face in her pussy, or your hard penis inside her warm wetness, or whatever. You just have to remember…. breath slowly and deeply. Slowly and deeply.

Third, keep your focus on you and her. Don’t think of baseball, taxes or god-knows-what. That stuff doesn’t work. Instead, be aware of every nuance of what’s happening between you. Keep half an eye on how aroused you are. Focus on the sensations you’re feeling. That way, when you sense that you’re getting more tense, you can do something about it.

When you notice you’re getting near the point of ejaculatory inevitability – ha – that’s the point of no return to you and me – take time to slow down, and consciously relax all your muscles. Stop moving if you have to. Rest, cool off. Have a little chat. But don’t forget to keep stimulating her clitoris so she stays juicy and wet (in other words, so her arousal doesn’t drop).

Because so many men are so out of touch with their bodies, they are totally unaware of how close they are to the point of ejaculation as they make love (which translates as “Oh shit, not again!” or “I’m going to come!”). If you have a good sense of how aroused you are, you can ease up on the rhythm of sex or simply lie still until your arousal has fallen, fallen, fallen …… and there’s no danger of you spurting….. yet.

You can always practice during masturbation – lube up and set out to bring yourself near to ejaculation, without actually coming…. then, aware of how you feel, how aroused you are, how near ejaculation you might be, stop stimulating yourself. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Finally, come.

When done properly, this enjoyable, simple technique is both pleasurable and easy….. as a technique for extending sex. You can quickly develop the restraint to stimulate yourself for up to half an hour without having an orgasm. Transfer this to sex with your partner, and lo and behold! before you know it, you’ll have the skill to last much longer in bed.

And another trick – try vaginal acclimatization. Courtesy of Michael Metz, this one. You simply rest without moving inside your partner. Or at least, move only as much as you need so as to keep your erection. That’s not much. Hold in your ejaculation. Keep squeezing your PC muscle. That will reduce your arousal.

After anything between seven and thirty minutes you’ll sense a change in how you, or your cock, feels. It’s a dull sort of warmth around your penis. You’ll know when it happens, and what it means is that you have acclimated to the arousing stimulus of being inside your partner. So now, simply having your penis inside her doesn’t have the power to excite you so much that you’re going to come quickly.

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Sexual Health and Well Being

Premature Ejaculation, Sexual Health, and General health

Sexual intercourse begins with the act of penetration, when the man inserts his erect penis into his partner’s vagina – and often the end of sexual congress follow soon afterwards.! (I refer to premature ejaculation, or more specifically, a man’s inability to delay his ejaculation! However premature ejaculation is not an inevitable aspect of sex by any means.

In fact there are many ways in which a man can learn how to control the speed of climax – in other words, the speed with which he ejaculates, including some unusual strategies which you may not be aware of.

To start with, there shouldn’t be any end of caresses or kissing at the moment of penetration. Sex is not just about the sexual intercourse, meaning the man thrusting to orgasm and ejaculation.

For a woman to feel connected to her sexual partner it’s essential that the man continues the caresses that he started during foreplay.

Another problem is of course that men often don’t want to focus on anything other penetration and thrusting, although in some ways this is not a bad thing.

It’s certainly true that a man who allows himself to be distracted by other activities, or even by his own thoughts, during the active phase of lovemaking may find that he ejaculates far too quickly — the reason for this is that he is not aware of his own arousal.

Or, he’s unable to estimate the time that is going to elapse before he ejaculates.

Certainly keeping awareness of how aroused you are, and how near the point of ejaculatory inevitability you are, during sex, is essential for good control of ejaculation during lovemaking.

But there’s a lot more to this, as I’ve already suggested: for a woman to feel attached to a man, she must feel engaged emotionally with the lovemaking.

It’s necessary to stress this, because many men do not understand how important it is to indulge in adequate foreplay with their partners before sexual congress, and they tend to divide sex into two distinct parts – that is to say, foreplay and coitus – giving much more importance to the latter!

woman pretending to have an orgasm

Women – stop faking orgasms right now!

A break after the former is often followed by a decision on the best sex position to intercourse, which effectively disrupt the process into two stages and breaks a sense of continuity for the woman.

The object of foreplay is twofold.

First, to yield pleasure in itself, and second to prepare the woman for the act of penetration and intercourse. So this means that any unnecessary break or interruption during sexual activity is unsatisfactory.

The ideal is that there should be a continuous period of caresses and kissing, so that sexual activity should rise continually.

At some point penetration takes place, after which there is is a continuous session of sexual intercourse, during which sexual arousal continues to rise naturally, and unavoidably, until the moment of complete physical release at orgasm and ejaculation — preferably, simultaneous orgasm and ejaculation.

Now, many of the underlying assumptions about this suggest that the man is the active partner in coitus, and there’s an implicit assumption that lies alongside this statement – that the woman must remain passive during sexual intercourse.

But of course this is completely wrong.

As you may well be aware, a woman’s sexual organs are far from inactive, even if she seems to be passively receiving the man’s attentions. The truth is that sex becomes a much better experience for both parties if the woman is actively engaged in what she’s doing: the instinctive hip movements a man makes during sexual intercourse will also be mirrored by the woman.

When a woman is able to relax and abandon herself during a sexual act she may well find her body making instinctive movements in response to the movements of her male partner, so that sexual intercourse become something in which both partners actively cooperate.

You can understand the dynamics of sex between men and women much more easily when you understand the sexual excitement which is essential to obtain maximum pleasure from sexual intercourse is the result of thrusting movements which produce friction inside the vagina.

These movements consist of the erect penis being brought into contact with the soft walls of the vagina.

This stimulates the nerves of the penis, especially those nerves on the sensitive area at the head of the penis called the glans, and tend to produce an increasing level of arousal which eventually triggers the man’s ejaculatory reflex.

It follows therefore that to control premature ejaculation, slower movements may be more desirable, and in addition, we know that shallow thrusts tend to enable a man to last longer during sexual intercourse than deep thrusts.

woman and man making love

women require sexual pleasure – and why wouldn’t they?

She needs to be satisfied – and your responsibility is to make sure she is.

Now of course it’s preferable that the woman should reach orgasm during intercourse but we also know that very few women have this capacity: it’s a myth that the majority of women are able to reach orgasm during intercourse, simply because the man can’t thrust hard enough for long enough to produce the level of sexual arousal necessary to trigger a woman’s orgasm.

A good compromise, however, is for the man to stimulate the clitoris during intercourse so that his partner can enjoy the experience of orgasm before he himself experiences ejaculation.

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The Art Of Easy Orgasm For Women

I’m a great fan of Jason Julius, and I’ve written about his work extensively on the Internet, because I believe it provides men who don’t know much about female sexuality with a simple and easy way to bring a woman to orgasm every time when making love.

Any Jason Julius review shows he is not a qualified sex therapist, but he certainly an expert in conveying concepts and ideas about female sexuality.

He uses a series of models to illustrate different aspects of female sexual pleasure, starting right from the simplest level of sexual physical stimulation, and moving all the way through to the most advanced techniques of vaginal, vulval, and clitoral stimulation.

Men may feel they know a lot about sexual interaction with women, but it’s my experience that generally they know far less than they think they do, and this does not apply only to female sexual anatomy, but also to men’s knowledge of the female mind and emotions.

You see, one of the things that men need to understand about female sexuality is that it is very different to male sexuality. Most women are turned on physically by watching erotica, but they are certainly not turned on emotionally in a way that makes them feel they want sex.

As you know, if you’re a man and you watch porn, it’s most likely that after a few minutes you feel a compelling need to ejaculate. This simply means that men are aroused by a wide range of visual stimulation. And we all know women are very different, because they tend to be sexually aroused by an emotional connection with a partner.

This may be as simple as a relationship of respect, or it may have to be a relationship of love and trust, depending on the individual woman concerned. But in general it’s fair to say that women are not as responsive to sexual stimulation through visual media as they are through emotional channels.

Therefore, having the information that Jason Julius has provided in his program will allow men to work their way into the psychology of female sexual attraction more easily.

If you don’t know what turns a woman on, then Jason can tell you all! He’s the man who’s explained in a series of simple modules precisely how women get turned on by being with a particular man, and why are men may want sex and women do not, even under the same circumstances.

Now you may be feeling a little bit confused at this point, and my response to that is to say: don’t be! If you buy Jason Julius’s program, for a very reasonable price, what you’re going to find is that it enables you to work through a whole series of sexual blocks that you may currently have about how to turn a woman on.

Starting with information about how to make her feel that she wants to go to bed with you, you’re given a whole series of techniques and tricks that allow you to stimulate her in exactly the way that she, as an individual woman, will need to be stimulated to enjoy an orgasm every time you are sexually active.

in recent years there’s been considerable amount of debate about whether or not the G spot actually exists, so it’s important to understand that as far as most women are concerned, stimulation of the G spot is very different to clitoral stimulation in the likelihood of achieving orgasm.

You see, the vagina is supplied by a whole series of nerves (pudendal nerves) which route to the emotional pleasure centres of the brain. The clitoris is innervated by nerve cells which simply trigger the reflex response of orgasm. What this means in practice is that when you stimulate both the clitoris and the G spot during sexual activity, the chance of a woman reaching orgasm is much higher than it is under any other circumstances.

Jason actually has seven modules in this program, starting off with simple sexual stimulation techniques, and ranging all the way through to the more advanced techniques of so called A spot stimulation and G spot stimulation, culminating in the exciting possibility of bringing your woman to an ejaculatory orgasm, also known as female ejaculation.

You may wonder why this is an important aspect of sexual pleasure for a couple? Well, the answer seems to be that an ejaculatory orgasm is far more intense for a woman than almost any other kind of orgasm that she is likely to experience.

By taking her to a level of sexual pleasure that is so intense she literally moves into a different emotional and mental state, you’re going to become the lover that she really wants to go to bed with at every possible opportunity!

The coital alignment technique

Essentially the coital alignment technique is about the man and woman orienting their pelvises so that they can make love in a way which allows the man’s pelvis to stimulate the woman’s clitoris during intercourse.

It’s not always easy to find the correct orientation during lovemaking, but there are comprehensive instructions about how to have great sex here. I would say that one of the difficulties with quite alignment technique is that it’s not always very easy to adjust emotion from the thrusting backwards and forwards motion to an up-and-down rocking motion as is required by the technique.

Having said that, those people who have mastered these techniques of sexual intercourse seemed to speak very highly of, and recommend it because of its capacity to add to the pleasure of the woman.

Apparently when developed a sufficiently high level of skilful technique, the quite alignment technique allows modification of the missionary sex position to provide both man and woman with a degree of stimulation that would be impossible to achieve during normal intercourse.

The woman, as we’ve mentioned, this can involve orgasms during sexual activity, and for the man apparently takes the form of stimulation to the penis which is a particularly delightful character, leading to an immersive sensation — immersive, that is in the pleasure of sexual fulfilment.

It’s important to recognise that no sexual technique is free of a certain amount of learning, and in this particular case that learning can take longer than it would than certain other types of sexual position.

Nonetheless, we would highly recommend that you try the little alignment technique to explore whether or not it might offer you the opportunity of female orgasm during intercourse, or even, in the more advanced form, possibility of simultaneous orgasm during intercourse.

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Ways To Increase Your Man’s Pleasure In Bed

Ways To Increase Your Man’s Pleasure In Bed

When a man ejaculates too soon, his pleasure is diminished. One reason for premature ejaculation is tension in your body during sex, especially pelvic tension. This comes from automatic, almost unnoticed behaviors during sex. These include holding your breath, tightening your muscles, and supporting your weight in the man on top sexual position.

Muscle tension always increases the risk of premature ejaculation, so it’s important to know how to delay the build up of this tension. This is basically an easy and effective way to obtain great pleasure during sex – as well as control your ejaculation!

Muscular tension can make men com quickly. educing tension in the body extends sex and offers men much greater pleasure.

Muscle tension is a man’s enemy in the battle against premature ejaculation. This is because orgasm is a build up and release of tension. The lower your muscle tension during lovemaking, the longer you can delay ejaculating. And the longer you can delay ejaculation, the greater the pleasure when you finally do allow yourself to come, reach orgasm and ejaculate!

So while being relaxed helps you last longer, it also means your orgasm will feel more powerful – and therefore more satisfying. Question is, how to stay relaxed and enjoy powerful orgasms? Well, by being able to control how tension develops in your body, is the answer.

Try actively decreasing tension in your pelvic and abdominal areas outside of the bedroom. This way you start making love with less tension, which will give you longer before you ejaculate.

A great  way to encourage this process is to give and receive full body massages. When your partner massages you, try and allow your anxiety to drop and bodily tension to release. This kind of massage is not about genital stimulation; it’s about being touched in a healing way. Men who enjoy their bodies, men who like being touched, often have lower anxiety levels. This means of course that they are more open to receiving sexual pleasure anyway.

Another important technique for learning how to delay orgasm is doing Kegel exercises. This is a great way to strengthen your pelvic region and PC or pubococcygeus muscles.

Delaying Ejaculation & Obtaining Pleasure During Lovemaking: The Start-Stop Method

The start-stop method works well for many men who want to last longer during sex. It will allow you to learn delay techniques that give you ample time to pleasure your partner before you enjoy your own orgasm. The simplest way to practice the start-stop method is to enjoy extended masturbation.

The stop start method of controlling premature ejaculation leads to greater sexual pleasure for men.

Masturbate until you are ready to have an orgasm and then stop stimulation. Train yourself to find when your point of no return or “moment of  ejaculatory inevitability” happens.  This is the moment when you know your orgasm is about to start, when you cannot stop ejaculation. Then, stop masturbating and allow the feeling of impending orgasm to subside.

You may think this is limiting pleasure. But what you’re doing is training your mind and body to accommodate higher states of arousal without relaxing into orgasm.

You’re extending the plateau phase of your sexual response cycle so there’s more time between the excitement and orgasm phase.

To complete the process of discovering how to delay ejaculation, start by masturbation with the start-stop method as described here. Next you can move on to masturbation by your partner, oral sex, and finally intercourse.

More Simple Ways To Delay Ejaculation 

1) Enjoy long-lasting foreplay. This will accustom you to being highly sexually aroused without ejaculating. The more time you spend pleasuring your woman before you enter her, the more satisfied she will be. And you will be more relaxed, even if you’re highly sexually aroused. This means you will last longer and get more sexual pleasure. There’s a relationship between men and sex which men fail to understand: the longer the foreplay, the better the orgasm. Simple.

2) Remain relaxed during sexual activity. This is extremely important. The more tense you are in your body during sex, the more your body will seek to release that tension through (premature) ejaculation.

3) Use deep breathing to remain relaxed: make your breathing conscious, and be aware of how rapidly or slowly you are breathing. Consciously take deep breaths and release them slowly through your mouth; as you do so, feel your body relax.

4) Slow down the rate of increase in your sexual arousal by taking pauses during foreplay and intercourse. You’ll feel inclined to do the opposite — in other words, to charge ahead to reach the point of ejaculation and orgasm. But you can consciously choose to take breaks which will allow your arousal to decline slightly. Then, when you come back to sex, you can continue pleasuring your woman, or receiving stimulation, without much risk of early ejaculation.

5) When you enter your partner be aware of how aroused you are at every stage of the sexual act, right up to the moment of orgasm. To delay your ejaculation you have to know how aroused you are. The only way to know how aroused you are is to be fully aware of what your body is telling you. Because, if you are aware of how aroused you are, you will know when to take a break during sexual activity. Then, you can let your arousal drop so that you can last longer before coming when you resume sexual intercourse.

Great communication with your partner and knowledge of your body’s arousal is essential to keep control of premature ejaculation.

6) Overcoming premature ejaculation requires a clear intention on your part. It’s not enough to decide to delay your ejaculation before you get into bed. Your resolution to last longer, and to overcome premature ejaculation, must remain intact whilst you’re actually in a sexual situation with your partner, even while you are making love to her. Indeed, in delaying ejaculation, there is probably very little more important than your focused intention to be a better lover.

If you’re a man who’s struggling against premature ejaculation, and it seems to be completely uncontrollable, then I have some fantastic news for you.

Over the years, my work as a counselor has given me the chance to really understand how men can get over premature ejaculation. It’s also given me the opportunity to ask my male clients to try out various cures for premature ejaculation, so I know exactly what works.

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Sexual Pleasure & Satisfaction For Women

Sex has an interesting history in our culture.

Unfortunately it’s still being played out today: a little foreplay, a little lubrication, man enters woman, man orgasms, man withdraws, rolls over and goes to sleep.

Now why would any man be so selfish? Is it because he’s ignorant of what feels good for a woman? Or is it because he just can’t be bothered to think about her needs? Or is it that he just doesn’t know a woman has needs?

There are probably just as many explanations as there are sexually unsatisfied couples in the world.

But one possibility is that what we can call “wham bam, thank you ma’am” men are simply uncomfortable with intimacy and connection and deep feelings.

But whatever the explanation, why are women are still putting up with this situation? Whatever the reason, it’s about time that ended. You’ve all heard the joke, no doubt: “What do women do after sex?” Answer: 5% fall asleep, 5% take a shower, 5% read a romantic novel, and 85% go and get their vibrators.

Why would women put up with sex as simply something that was “done to them”? If you happen to be a man reading this, consider for a moment if you’re using a woman as a passive instrument for your sexual pleasure.

Even worse, are you actually having fantasies about being with another woman or indeed with anybody other than the person you’re with, while making love to your partner? (If you are, get some advice about pleasuring her here.)

We don’t know how many couples are living with sex life like this – which is to say, a sex life designed purely for male satisfaction – but it’s probably fair to assume that it’s a significant proportion.

The patriarchy is so deeply embedded in our culture that this is not surprising. In most societies, for centuries, men have seen women merely as objects or possessions, useful for the domestic chores, sexual pleasure, and providing an heir.

No wonder it’s taken so long in our culture for things to change. Really, it’s only since the feminist activists in the post-Victorian period began to think of women’s pleasure that there has been an awareness that women require sexual pleasure too!

woman and man making love

Women require sexual pleasure as much as men – and why wouldn’t they?

And even masturbation was to boo, the Catholic Church in particular regarding it as a mortal sin alongside masturbation rape and murder.

No wonder that our society is now so obsessed with sex when it was so obsessed with the absence of sex for so long!

So the question for the moment is whether it is possible for women to really have equal satisfaction in bed. Are they still so sexually disempowered that it’s impossible for them to get sexual pleasure in the way they would like?

You see, sexual equality – at least in terms of orgasmic pleasure – is not brought about by simply wanting this equality to happen. For one thing, making love in a way that satisfies both man and woman is not so easy.

There are built-in barriers to feminine pleasure. One, in the fact that while the man’s orgasm is virtually guaranteed (except in cases of delayed ejaculation), a woman’s orgasm is far from certain. Her clitoris receives little stimulation during intercourse, for one thing.

Another reason is that the very act of talking about sex requires a high level of emotional intelligence and sensitivity. Most people are not comfortable enough with their sexuality to talk about it openly and frankly. Moreover, women often can’t communicate their sexual needs. This is because they’ve been brought up to expect men to be in charge of their sexuality.

And so women continue to put up with unsatisfying sex, even though there are plenty of places willing to provide sexual training (such as tantric massage techniques), information, and support. Any couple that wishes to establish a more equal sexual relationship can do it, but it requires commitment.

Before we go any further, of course we should also mention the fact the premature ejaculation is a major factor in sexual inequality. We don’t know exactly how many women could reach orgasm during intercourse if men didn’t ejaculate so quickly, but it’s likely to be a significant number.

This isn’t a matter of applying blame to men for unsatisfying intercourse. We’ve all grown up with a culture in which these things are expected, and perhaps even acceptable.

Tasteful picture of man and woman making love.

Men come far too quickly for most women to get sexual pleasure.

So in truth, “standard” penis-in-vagina intercourse is never going to provide women with enough orgasms to satisfy them completely, let alone narrow the orgasm gap between men and women.

Of course some women don’t have a problem demanding their rights in bed. They know what they want and they ask for it. But even this doesn’t mean that she’s going to be heard by her male partner.

The accepted sexual script which we almost all indulge in – that of limited foreplay, male penetration and ejaculation followed by his satisfaction and her frustration – has been kept alive from generation to generation. This is because it fits with the biological imperative in men to ejaculate quickly and the female difficulty in reaching orgasm.

And there are a few other problems which also underlie sexual inequality.

For one thing men believe that what feels good for them must also feel good for their partner.

And of course there isn’t much reason why men, who as far as I’m aware don’t possess a vagina, should know what it actually feels like to be penetrated. It’s a belief that seems stubborn and resistant to change: that a man can satisfy woman by thrusting into her vagina.

This gets reinforced because in an early sexual relationship, most men ejaculate quickly. However, the women these men ejaculate into don’t speak up about how they want things to be because they too are ignorant about their sexual needs and expectations, and the possibilities open to them.

And so in a way right from the start, men are trained to expect that sex will consist of male penetration and orgasm, and very little else.

Even leaving aside all cultural issues such as the economic power of women to live independently of men, it’s fair to say that most couples are stuck in a dynamic that is not helpful. So what are we going to do about this?

Well, we’re not going to fake orgasm, which is one of the ways that women apparently soothe their men. Of course, men may have such fragile egos that they couldn’t possibly be told that they’re not satisfying their women!

Joking aside, sadly modern women do have a pressure on them to express sexual pleasure, otherwise they might be thought of as “frigid”.

And in this situation, it’s even more likely that a woman is going to accept the inadequate sex which men are foisting upon her without complaint. That’s because she may well see her failure to reach orgasm as being due to something inadequate or wrong with her.

As you can see from the above comments, it’s a bit of a muddle for all of us, but women are the ones who really miss out on sexual pleasure. So what I’m saying is that men have a responsibility to learn how to make love better.

The website I linked to above is one of the ones where there is useful information that can actually be applied in a practical way. This will help a couple bring the relationship between male orgasm and female orgasm more into equality.

Now, it takes courage for a woman to admit that she’s been faking orgasms for a while, because it exposes the possibility that she might have been telling other lies about her level of satisfaction with the relationship.

woman pretending to have an orgasm

Women – stop faking orgasms right now!

And yet there’s a simple motto that says actually “honesty is the best policy” – and that’s no different in sexual relationships to any other area of human life.

My advice to all men reading this is to find a way of pleasuring a woman that gives you satisfaction. You also need  and to accept that whatever’s happened in the past is over and done with (faking orgasms included).

Start afresh, look forward, and enjoy finding out how you and your partner can work together to produce a happy and satisfying sex life that will give both of you the greatest pleasure.

Of course it possible to enjoy making love without having an orgasm – and that’s true for both men and women.

But, yes, particularly true for women, who might value the feeling of closeness that intercourse gives them, and who may well be satisfied to have this dimension alone in their sexual relationship.

And that doesn’t alter the fact that at the end of the day, it’s necessary for a couple to experience sexual pleasure in its fullest form for their relationship to reach its maximum potential.

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